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5 Reasons Your CBD Isn’t Helping You

by Dave Marshall

June 10, 2020 - 4 min read

If you’ve ever had a CBD product, yet didn’t feel like it benefited you… you’re not alone.

However, be careful about jumping to conclusions about why. Consider the following 5 points first.

Low-Quality CBD and/or Product

Check the label - is it CBD oil? Or hemp seed oil? There’s a huge difference.

If it is CBD oil, do you know if it’s high quality? One way is to check the Certificate of Analysis (CoA), which shows that the product has been tested and approved for dosage, safety, and quality.

Different Delivery System

Are you using a tincture every day, but still feel stress in your neck and shoulders? Then you might want to try a premium CBD-infused body salve.

A salve has ingredients designed specifically to help address sore muscles, which could be much more effective than a tincture, which is typically designed to address energy levels and general overall wellness.

Wrong Type of CBD

We talk in more detail about these on our CBD 101/FAQ page and in this more in-depth article about the types of CBD, but there are 3 types once it’s processed - isolate, broad spectrum, and full spectrum.

Each type presents its own benefits. For example, if you’re looking for the benefits of pure CBD, then isolate is the only choice. 

However, for a variety of wellness benefits, then broad spectrum or full spectrum could be a better choice.

If you’re not sure which option works best for you, you may have to try each one and find out for yourself. Sometimes, it’s the only way to know.

Which leads to...

Give It More Time

Ever lost 2 pant sizes after just one day of fasting? Gotten ripped abs after only 1-2 days of core work?

The same principle applies to CBD intake. 

The goodness doesn’t come after one day’s use or if used irregularly. 

To help the compound integrate into your body and achieve its desired homeostatic (balanced) state, it needs time. Particularly if you’re not sure which type of CBD is best for you.

Body Composition

Metabolism, age, weight, stress levels, alcohol usage, and more can have an effect on your body’s CBD absorption rate. That’s why you should start off with a lower dosage and increase slowly as your body adjusts.

Our 500mg Updrops tinctures (available in Mint Vanilla, Berry, or Unflavored) are perfect for someone new to CBD. A half dropper has about 8mg, which is a good dose to start. After 2-3 days, as your body adjusts, you can up the dosage (e.g., a full dropper).

Find Out if CBD Is for You

If, after giving CBD a chance, you haven’t noticed any effects, then it simply might not be for you. It happens sometimes… due to metabolism, genes, biochemistry, and more.

But remember - there are 100-plus more beneficial cannabinoids in hemp, including CBG, and you might respond better to them. So not all is lost! 

There’s only one way to find out if Upness products work for you: try them by seeing our tinctures and body salve.



CBD - What We Know and What We Don’t, Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School
